We are delighted to announce the first Irish Uplands Forum 2018 Research Grants have been awarded to the candidates below are we look forward to their Uplands resarch as a result:
Dr Carole Melody, Emily Shakespeare and Claire McVeigh
A brief outline of their field of study is below:
Dr Carole Melody did a PhD on the feeding ecology of earthworms in agricultural systems. She is based in University College Dublin, from where she wants to continue to do research on earthworms. The grant and practical assistance from IUF farmer members will enable her to survey earthworms in a range of upland habitats.
Emily Shakespeare is a post-graduate student in Waterford IT. Her PhD focuses on how the communities in the Comeragh Mountains have changed over time. This multi-interdisciplinary project will engage with the people living in the Comeraghs.
Claire Mc Veigh in Queens University Belfast, is in the early stage of her PhD examining the impact of climate change and rewetting on blanket bogs. Her project will involve intensive hydrogeological characterisation of three study sites followed by modeling to predict the impact of climate change.